Barkas tillbaka till Rephuset

Barkas i Rephuset
Barkas, från Vancouver Kanada, kommer till Europa för att undervisa i Wien, Paris och Rephuset. Det kommer att vara workshop den 6-7 april. Delar av innehållet är helt nytt för Europa.
Så vik den helgen. Mer info om workshopen:
“The workshop leads us into the world of conscious communication through ropes. A closer look at the interview metaphor and its newest, unpublished developments requires the study of more elaborate techniques which we will discuss in this workshop.
We will explore the different kinds of movement with and in ropes and study it on the floor and in the air. We will deal with aspects of Ranboo in floorwork as well as in suspensions. And we will go the same way in the other direction by studying aspects of Yukimura Ryu in Ranboo and in suspensions.
The workshop includes as always teachings from both, the tied as well as the tying person’s perspective. The contents in terms of patterns are built around the participants and their progress during the workshop.”